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Photo: 2022 Movie Releases
Ahh yes, we’re finally finished with 2021 and now have the chance to make new waves (and new chances to progress to a better version of ourselves) in this shiny new year of 2022. There are so many new opportunities to do things that we’ve always wanted to do, like setting a goal of reading a certain amount of books on Goodreads or creating art that we’ve been meaning to get to one of these days. But, one of the most exciting things that we can have to look forward to in this new year is something that brings us all together and gives us the experience to sit back and enjoy stories and places that we’ve never been. And that, everybody, is (of course) upcoming films.
Audiences have seemingly been eagerly waiting for these films to be released, and now their needs will soon be met when these films hit the big screen in 2022. Let’s take a look at some of the fantastic art premiering in the upcoming months, and will soon cement itself into the world of Cinema.
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The First Half Of 2022: Fan-Service All-Around
To kick this year off right, there is an incredible and vast selection of films that audiences have to look forward to beginning from January and into June. And while these films span across multiple different genres, they all have one similar aspect in common: catering to a previously built-up fanbase. On the other hand of this element, the films premiering during the first half of 2022 seem to establish that we’re certainly in for a ride as we ease back into cinematic art; and get comfortable with the familiarity of stories we’re already intimate with, but done differently in a way that seems as though it will still maintain itself to be a thrilling experience for audiences.
With all this said, however, let’s finally list off the films that we as the audience can widely anticipate for the first big chunk of this year.
In January, we have the thrillingly frighting reboot of ‘Scream’ gracing the screen. This fifth installment of the bloody series takes place nearly 25 years after the first film, and it will bring back all the characters we all know and love to go out and vanquish a new killer terrorizing a once-sleepy town. Based on the trailers, the reboot makes itself out to be as though it isn’t just another remake based on a widely-successful horror franchise; but rather, something is done that will remind audiences just how much we loved the original characters. ‘Scream’ will release on January 14th.
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In February, we get more of a taste of giving seemingly cinematic masterpieces to a previously built-up fanbase with films such as ‘Uncharted’ (Feb. 18th) and ‘Jackass Forever’ (Feb. 4th); along with giving Agatha Christie fans a brand-new film adaptation with ‘Death on the Nile’ (Feb. 11th). Both ‘Jackass Forever’ and ‘Death on the Nile’ are sequels/additions to an even bigger installment of movies, with the first film being an ode (and final goodbye) to the widely-loved ‘Jackass’ series, and the second film is a long-awaited sequel to ‘Murder on the Orient Express’. With ‘Uncharted’, audiences are given yet another film based on a video game; and this time, it seems as though it will be an action-packed and alluring adventure that will surely please fans of the ‘Uncharted’ games, and it gives off a large impression that the director (Ruben Fleischer) and the writers love and care about the fans as well.
In March, audiences will finally be graced with Robert Pattinson’s take on a well-loved DC character with ‘The Batman’ (March 4th), along with another wonderful inclusion to a beloved series with ‘Downton Abbey: A New Era’ (March 18th) and an original romantic comedy with ‘The Lost City’ (March 25th). While March seems somewhat sparse in terms of theatrical releases, the cinematic content we’ll be getting from these movies is entirely more than enough.
In April, the month starts with another superhero movie; but this time we focus on a rather terrifying Marvel villain that has rarely had the limelight with the film ‘Morbius’ (April 1st). After the success of the previous two ‘Venom’ films, Jared Leto now has a turn in the spotlight as the villain in the titular Morbius; making this new upcoming film a seemingly wonderful addition to the list of comic anti-hero cinematic adaptations. Next up in the lines of anticipated releases, we have a graceful return of Nicolas Cage where he seems to play a parodied version of himself in ‘The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent’ (April 22nd); along with a new addition from acclaimed director Robert Eggers’ new Viking epic ‘The Northman’ (April 22nd).
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In May, once again we have a superhero movie at the start of the month with a new addition to the Doctor Strange series with ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ (May 6th), which seems to provide more backstory to the multiverse aspect utilized in ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’. Along with this, we also have ‘DC League of Super Pets’ (May 20th) to add to the superhero hype; and funny enough, the third installment of the Legally Blonde series ‘Legally Blonde 3’ will be released the same day as well.
In June, the new spin-off from the ‘Toy Story’ universe is Disney’s new animated feature ‘Lightyear’ (June 17th) will be released; and while little is known about the plot of the film, based on the trailer alone it seems as though the film will be quite adventurous. Next up, we have yet another annual biopic with the rock n’ roll ‘Elvis’ (June 24th); which seems to be a musically-filled adventure directed by Baz Luhrmann after not directing a film in nearly a decade.
Overall, the anticipated releases for the first half of 2022 give an incredible start; and it buckles us in for a fantastic ride of Cinema, and a wonderful excuse to go to the movie theater. After anticipated films typically went straight towards streaming services, it is now that theatrical releases don’t seem to be as sparse.
The Second Half of 2022: Original And Endearing Stories
Halfway through 2022, we don’t know how life will look for us. But, what we do know is that the next line-up of anticipated theatrical releases has wonderful new stories for us to experience as audience members. While having the majority of films catered to previous fans is great in getting audiences back into the movie theater, and being something for them to look forward to, it is through original stories that take us to new worlds we haven’t seen before that makes the magic of Cinema even more fantastical.
In July, we have the fourth installment of the ‘Thor’ series arriving at the beginning of the month with ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ (July 8th); a direct sequel to ‘Thor Ragnarok’, director Taika Waititi returns to the Marvel universe once more to deliver us a possibly great addition to the MCU. Next up, Jordan Peele graces the Cinema world with a brand new story with ‘Nope’ (July 22nd); and while the plot has yet to be released to the public, just the poster alone seems to reveal that this horror film will certainly be a whirl-wind of possible psychological terror.
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In August, it seems as though the films that are supposed to come out seem to gain less attention along with not having a trailer, and only an expected release date; but, they still look interesting based on the plot (and cast) alone. So far, two films are listed with ‘The Man from Toronto’ (expected August 12th) and ‘Bros’ expected on the same date. Both of the films are comedies, but different kinds of comedies in their ways with ‘The Man from Toronto’ being an action-comedy and ‘Bros’ being a romantic-comedy. Nevertheless, the cast of characters in both of these films is enticing with Kevin Hart and Billy Eichner as the leads in their respective movies.
In September, there are also only two big movies coming out, but they are more concrete with plot and more than one teaser trailer. The widely-talked film that was discussed early of last year ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ (Sept. 23rd) will be released as Oliva Wilde’s next directorial film starring Florence Pugh and Harry Styles as husband and wife grace the screen. The sequels don’t stop here for the year with the next film being a new addition to the ‘Mission Impossible’ series with ‘Mission: Impossible 7’ (Sept. 30th); and while it doesn’t seem as though it will be the last film in the series, it will surely pack itself full of action punches (and death-defying stunts).
In October, the MCU is back yet again giving their fans another superhero experience; and this time, it’s with the beloved Miles Morales in ‘Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse (Part One)’ (Oct. 7th). ‘Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse’ is known to be one of the most beloved Spiderman movies, and, incredibly, we’ll get another film this year along with an additionally anticipated sequel. On top of this, it wouldn’t classically be a true October without a horror movie being released. The final installment of the Halloween series is tragically here with ‘Halloween Ends’ (Oct. 14th), and while it will be sad to finally say goodbye to this beloved series it feels right that it has soon come to an end in this century.
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In November, Marvel and DC seem to be nearly head-to-head with their later anticipated releases being premiered within days of each other. Marvel’s ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ and DC’s ‘The Flash’ come into theaters with new super stories; one familiar and one nearly brand-new. There’s not entirely much to go off of with these two upcoming films, but we do know that the plots seem enticing and cater to their respective fans.
And, lastly, in December, we’re being given two rather unexpected (yet also oddly somehow expected at the same time) with the sequel to James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ with ‘Avatar 2’ (Dec. 16th) and a new Mario movie (Dec. 21st) starring Chris Pratt that has no title just yet. It’s interesting how the year anticipated starting with films catering to fan service, and now here we are once again doing the same thing. Since these films are so far away, it’s hard to say what can be fully expected out of them; nevertheless, it’s surely something we’ll get a kick out of no matter what.
2022 Movie Releases: A Thrilling Cinematic World To Look For
Ultimately, it’s simply exhilarating with all the theatrical releases that we have to look forward to as we progress into the new year of 2022. It’s interesting how towards the end of the year, there becomes a pattern where only two films are announced per month that have concrete plots, but this gives audiences an even more thrilling feeling as we wait to see just what is to come for the Cinema world later into the year. The world looks brighter than ever with hopes of reviving movie theaters once more ever since Covid-19 had impacted it so negatively, and that is beautiful in a multitude of ways.
By Leah Donato
Click here to read The Hollywood Insider’s CEO Pritan Ambroase’s love letter to Black Lives Matter, in which he tackles more than just police reform, press freedom and more – click here.
An excerpt from the love letter: The Hollywood Insider’s CEO/editor-in-chief Pritan Ambroase affirms, “The Hollywood Insider fully supports the much-needed Black Lives Matter movement. We are actively, physically and digitally a part of this global movement. We will continue reporting on this major issue of police brutality and legal murders of Black people to hold the system accountable. We will continue reporting on this major issue with kindness and respect to all Black people, as each and every one of them are seen and heard.
Just a reminder, that the Black Lives Matter movement is about more than just police brutality and extends into banking, housing, education, medical, infrastructure, etc. We have the space and time for all your stories. We believe in peaceful/non-violent protests and I would like to request the rest of media to focus on 95% of the protests that are peaceful and working effectively with positive changes happening daily. Media has a responsibility to better the world and The Hollywood Insider will continue to do so.”
Ways to support Black Lives Matter Movement to end systemic racism
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