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Hollywood Insider Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Oprah Interview, CBS

Photo: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview with Oprah/CBS

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Oprah’s Interviewing Prowess, and the Media

The relationship between the royal family and the world it vows to serve has historically been a rocky one. In all fairness, blending work life with family life rarely works out for anyone, so none of us should have been surprised by how hectic the most famous and powerful royal family in the world has turned out. Since the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, the saga of the royal family has effectively functioned as the world’s personal soap opera in addition to one of the world’s most influential governing bodies.

Related article: Why Queen Elizabeth II Is One Of The Greatest Monarchs | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of United Queendom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (Video Insight)

As several key figures took on milestones such as marriage and tragedies like the death of the beloved Princess Diana, it became gradually understood that the lives of the royal family belonged to the public and not themselves. Despite being one of the most famous age-old dynasties around today, only in recent years has the story of the royal family come under considerable scrutiny with the advent of modern telecommunications such as daily newspapers, TV and now, social media. And of course, the most damaging of it all – the paparazzi. And especially the British Tabloid System, the most venomous and dangerous predator ever found on planet Earth. 

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Netflix realized the public’s innate desire to dramatize the lives of the royals in their wildly popular biodrama, ‘The Crown.’ The series follows the storied life of Queen Elizabeth II, from a young princess played by Claire Foy to the most recent season of ‘The Crown’ that depicts a matured matriarch, portrayed by Academy Award winner Olivia Colman, navigating not only the murky waters her country entered with a new Parliament with the advent of the 1980s, but with the entrance of scandal as Princess Diana joined the royal family. The show has garnered immense popularity not only for its chronicling of the most famous family in history but also for its chronologically accurate retelling of the Crown’s controversies.

As the Netflix drama exhibits alleged national conspiracies, affairs, and family backstabbing, audiences are introduced to the idea that not all popular families are free of wrongdoing. Public scrutiny soon surpassed that invoked by the Netflix series as the next chapter of the royal family saga played itself out in real-time in the form of the relationship between Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle. Although it once appeared as though Markle’s fame came from her performances in the USA crime drama, ‘Suits,’ the prince and the soon-to-be princess would promptly claim a level of fame never before achieved as the announcement of their engagement in 2017 sent the world into a frenzy. Little did the public know that the marriage of the sovereign couple would only be the tip of the iceberg as Harry and Meghan would soon disrupt the very foundation of the British monarchy with their decision to separate themselves from the royal family. 

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Meghan Reveals All to Inevitable Interviewer Oprah Winfrey

The news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would step down from their positions as senior working members of Britain’s royal family shocked and devastated the world that grew up cherishing the story of the Crown. What was this an outcome of? A fight between family members? A threat to Harry, Meghan, or their child’s lives? A disinterest in politics? While none of these questions were answered immediately, some inklings of the freshest royal couple’s plans for the future were revealed in the announcement of “Archewell,” Harry and Meghan’s emerging entertainment organization and humanitarian foundation that has already sealed partnerships with media giants Netflix and Spotify.

The mission for Archewell is plainly printed on the company’s website, “Through our non-profit work, as well as creative activations, we drive systemic cultural change across all communities, one act of compassion at a time.” While these mission statements provided a glimpse of what Harry and Meghan intended to do with their unprecedented journey as forsaken royals, many of the public’s questions surrounding the departure of the couple from the Crown persisted. Well, Meghan and Harry finally decided to set the record straight with the interviewer of all interviewers, Oprah Winfrey, in an attempt to rectify the rumors of the past and clarify their intentions for the future.

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Oprah Winfrey is easily the most iconic name in journalism, having interviewed historic guests such as Maya Angelou, Whitney Houston, and Barack Obama; however, the discussion Winfrey hosted between herself and the youngest royal couple may well be the most influential of Oprah’s monumental career. The highly anticipated interview lived up to the hype as Markle was prepared to disclose the truths behind some of the royal family’s largest controversies right from the jump.

Revelation No. 1 – Meghan Markle Did Not Make Kate Middleton Cry, Markle Says It Was the Other Way Round

The first major revelation came from Markle clarifying her side of the story following the tabloids’ allegation that Meghan made Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton cry in an altercation about flower girl dresses. Tabloids like The Sun ran stories claiming a rift between the sisters-in-law formed during a stressful dress fitting that left Middleton in tears. During her interview with Oprah however, Markle was quick to set the record straight with her explanation that “the reverse happened.” Meghan went on to admit to Winfrey that Kate Middleton had made statements that left Markle in tears, though the media twisted it around. When Oprah pried as to why these falsehoods were not rectified by the institution of the royal family, Markle simply agreed that that was a great question to pose. Markle went on to clarify that Duchess Kate had since apologized with flowers and a card. Meghan blames the institution that manages the royal family and not Kate herself. 

Related article: Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle: Both Women Can Be Great Without One Being Torn Down, Stop Pitting The Duchesses Against Each Other

Revelation No. 2 – The Institution Were Worried About How Dark their First Baby’s Skin Might Be When He is Born (Now Named Archie)

From this revelation, Winfrey’s interview with Markle brought several astounding occurrences to light such as the Crown’s silencing of Meghan as well as conversations that went on within Prince Harry’s family as to how dark the skin of Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s first baby would be. This shocking and vulnerable anecdote affected not only Oprah, who was visibly taken aback by Markle’s harrowing experience with racism facing her then-unborn baby, but with all viewers sympathetic to the intolerant journey Meghan faced as the first mixed-race royal family member.

Both Harry and Meghan refused to divulge who the exact individual was that made comments on the baby’s skin color’s darkness – as it would be “extremely damaging” to them.

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Revelation No. 3 – Meghan ASSERTS That Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Has Always Been the Kindest and Most Accepting. The Institution is Different and Separate from the Queen and the Family

Meghan made sure to tell Oprah that it became important for her to compartmentalize. The Royal institution and its handlers are SEPARATE from the Queen and the royal family. The institution was horrendous to Meghan, whereas the Queen from the very beginning continued to be the kindest and most loving towards Meghan and Harry. Meghan pointed out that during their first appearance together, the Queen gifted Meghan with pearl earrings and a matching necklace. She also shared one of the sweetest royal anecdotes about how when they were seated next to each other on a train ride, the Queen affectionately shared  the blanket she kept on her knees  with Meghan so they could both be warm. 

When Oprah questioned who “the institution” is, whether its an individual or a team, Meghan clarified that “the institution” is made up of several members and not just one individual.

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Revelation No. 4 – Meghan Became Suicidal – ‘I Did Not Want To Be Alive Anymore’

Markle continued to explain how these trying times and the media’s cruel and false portrayal of the princess caused her to be suicidal. Markle explained to Oprah that she sought help for her mental illness, even reaching out to a best friend of Princess Diana’s, but was not treated with the care she required at the time. According to Meghan and Harry, the Crown’s inability to protect Markle from not only physical threats but mental ones as well was the reason the pair decided to part ways from their senior royal family duties. And while Meghan suffered greatly during her time as acting princess, her pain has not been in vain as she and her husband vow to utilize their influence to make the world a more truthful and compassionate place.

Meghan elaborated that when she reached out to “the institution” for help and to receive mental health therapy, it was quickly denied. Prince Harry pointed out that he was too ashamed to ask for help for his suicidal wife as he wasn’t sure if the rest of his family had been through depression or suicidal thoughts before. Meghan even went to Human Resources for help, but they let her know that since Meghan is not a paid employee – they are unable to help her.

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Revelation No. 5 – The Royal Institution Made the Decision to NOT Give the Title of Prince to Archie – It Was Not Harry and Meghan’s Decision

The media had wrongfully and falsely reported that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had decided to not give their son Archie – the title of Prince. Meghan and Harry have now clarified that this news was false. It was not their decision to make, the institution and its managers had made the decision to not give the title of Prince to Archie. This was extremely hurtful to Prince Harry and Meghan as they wanted their son to have “his birthright”. The title of Prince would mean the Palace must provide the best security to their princes and princesses – without the title, Archie would be left without royal security and protection.

Revelation No. 6 – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Second Baby Is A Girl 

Although the first half of the interview focused solely on Meghan’s trying experience coming into the royal family as a naive American, the final portion of the special found itself to be especially pointed as Prince Harry joined his wife to speak on his insider understanding of his powerful family. Before getting to the familial intrigue, however, Harry began his interview with Oprah on a happy note, announcing that the couple’s anticipated summer baby will indeed be a girl. This was the first joyful news shrouded in the despair of Markle’s reality, of which she claimed consisted of isolation and media abuse. The baby is due in the summer. 

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Related article: Why Queen Elizabeth II Is One Of The Greatest Monarchs | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of United Queendom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (Video Insight)

Revelation No. 7 – Meghan Helped Prince Harry Escape “The Trap” – She Did Not Organize Megxit

Oprah was quick to return to the crux of the matter, asking Harry to explain their decision to take part in the departure that many mocking called “Megxit,” believing Meghan was to blame for the change in the traditional hierarchy. The prince was swift in his denunciation of the claims, stating that the couple left because they were desperate for help they simply were not receiving at the palace.

“My biggest fear was history repeating itself.” Harry said, referencing the tragic fate of his late mother, “And what I was seeing was history repeating itself.”

Harry says he would have never left the royal family if Meghan had not been in his life. As he “was trapped” but “but did not know I was trapped”.

Revelation No. 8 – Prince Harry’s Newfound Spirituality

Harry alludes verbally to the fact that the universe helped, and that there were “external forces at play.” “Before I would have been the last person to speak on all this”, and now when he looks at how everything happened one after the other, perfectly lined up, he believes that “external forces” were guiding him.

He believes Meghan saved him. Meghan believes Harry saved her and their child.

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Revelation No. 9 – They Did Not Blindside The Queen as They Had Been Discussing With Her For Two Years Prior

Oprah then went on to probe Harry on reports that the couple “blindsided” the queen in their separation from the rest of the family. The prince clarified that this was false, however, clarifying that “I never blindsided my grandmother, I have too much respect for her.”

Revelation No. 10 – Queen Elizabeth’s Reputation Comes Out Shining as Harry Confirms He Has An Incredibly Loving Relationship with His Grandma The Queen.

Prince Harry continues to be extremely close to his grandmother and her lovingly dubbed her “Cuddle-in-Chief’. One of the very few moments where Harry beamed with happiness is when he spoke of the greatness, kindness and love his grandma Queen Elizabeth has continued to show him, Meghan and Archie.

Revelation No. 11 – The Royal Institution Has Stopped Financially Supporting Prince Harry.

And while Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the Queen may be intact, Oprah’s interview gave off the impression that the same cannot be said for the rest of the royal family. Firstly, Harry revealed that he was cut off from the family’s wealth following their decision to exit their duties as senior members of the crown. This shocking discovery led to Harry’s disappointment in his family’s failure to defend Meghan, once again citing his mother’s passing, “I just wish we could all learn from the past.” 

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Harry went on to state that the inheritance his mother, Princess Diana, left for him is what is currently helping him get by and assumes that she must have foreseen the kind of negative treatment Harry would be dealt in the future. He further asserts that his mother would be extremely hurt by how he has been treated. The entertainment and media company deals were never planned – they happened as they needed to survive.

Revelation No. 12 – Harry States that Prince Charles and Prince William Are Trapped.

And that his father and brother “cannot leave.” Requests people to “have compassion for them.”

Revelation No. 13 – Their Move to California Was Unplanned.

Prince Harry and Meghan explained that their current residence in California was unplanned. They moved to Canada as it is a Commonwealth and they wanted to keep serving the Queen. But then Harry’s titles, including Duke of Sussex, among others, were taken away during the earlier half of 2020. This meant he was left without Royal protection and security. Daily Mail had also revealed the address of their Canadian hideout. As lockdown was looming over the world in 2020, within days, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and baby Archie fled to Los Angeles as Tyler Perry offered the ex-royals refuge at his mansion for a limited time and paid for their security.

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Revelation No. 14 – Meghan Wrote to the Royal Family to Request That They Allow Prince Harry to Keep His HRH Titles

Meghan personally wrote a letter to the royal family requesting that Prince Harry be allowed to retain his titles. She told them that she would not contest the loss of her and Archie’s titles, but she wanted Harry to keep his titles as that would mean round the clock royal protection and security for Harry. Meghan’s main concern was Prince Harry’s safety as he had been getting death threats.

Revelation No. 15 – Meghan Clarified They Had Requested to Retain Their HRH Titles

Further explanation was given by the ex-Duchess that they had never asked to leave their royal titles or working royal roles. Instead, the couple had requested to become non-senior royals. Meghan mentioned that they were not “reinventing the wheel’ and she knows many members of the extended royal family who are non-senior royals who continued to get paid with royal HRH titles and live on palace grounds while serving when called upon. Prince Harry and Meghan’s request was to be demoted to titled non-senior royals who still work for the Queen. But the request was denied by “the institution”. They wanted to retain their titles as Duke and Duchess and HRH to receive royal protection and security.

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Revelation No. 16 – Prince Harry Calls the United Kingdom His Home

And that he had to leave to save his family.

Revelation No. 17 – Prince Charles Stopped Picking Up Calls From His Son Prince Harry

Prince Charles asked his son Prince Harry to “write down on paper” how Harry would ideally see their move to a different country looking like, and how they planned to keep serving the Queen. But then Prince Charles stopped taking his son’s calls. Harry mentioned it was due to the fact that Harry had decided to take matters into his own hands to protect his spouse and child.

Revelation No. 18 – Prince Harry Upset that His Family Never Publicly Showed Support for His Spouse Meghan During Tabloid Hunt

Harry pointed out that over 70 female Members of Parliament stood up publicly against the tabloids for the hatred and racist abuse thrown at Meghan, but he was saddened to see that not a single member of his family showed support to Meghan publicly.

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Revelation No. 19 – Prince Harry Speaks on ‘Invisible Contract’ Between Palace and Tabloids. Meghan Says Palace Holds Parties for Tabloids.

The ‘invisble contract’ basically means the royal family will continue giving comments and appearances to tabloids as long as the tabloids print nice stuff about the royals. Meghan divulged that the Palace hosts parties regularly for these vile tabloids.

Understandably, Oprah wondered why the royal family even cares about what the press say about them as they are ROYALS. Harry responded that “thats how it has always been. My family is trapped. I have compassion for them. I was able to leave. They are not.”

Revelation No. 20 – Oprah Interview Did Not Cause the Loss of the Patronages

The couple had lost all their patronages LONG BEFORE even a discussion regarding an Oprah interview had begun.

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Revelation No. 21 – Archie Always Says “Drive Safe”

The couple revealed that when people are leaving, Archie always says “Drive Safe”.

Revelation No. 22 – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Confirm They Have Watched Some Episodes of Award-Winning Series ‘The Crown’

While revealing that they have indeed watched “some” of ‘The Crown’, Prince Harry stated that scenes in the series that depict how Prince Charles and his family became jealous of Princess Diana’s popularity during Australian Royal Tour showed to Prince Harry that “my family were repeating history”. Prince Harry went on to elaborate that in the beginning, his entire family made up of Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate and, of course, his constantly and consistently loving grandma the Queen, were all very accepting of the Meghan. But things changed when Meghan did extremely well during the couple’s Australian Royal Tour, which made many members of the royal family jealous and green with envy. This was very similar to the jealousy Princess Diana had to face after her success during her Australian Royal Tour with her husband.

Revelation No. 23 – Harry’s Relationship with his father is still very strained.

He took a deep breath and answered that it is STILL difficult and that “there is still a lot of healing needed.”

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Related article: Why Queen Elizabeth II Is One Of The Greatest Monarchs | Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of United Queendom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (Video Insight)

Revelation No. 24 – Harry’s Relationship with his brother Prince William EQUALS “Space Currently”

They are giving each other space. Healing is needed.

Revelation No. 25 – They NOW Zoom and Facetime with the Royal Family Constantly

Prince Harry and Meghan confirmed that they now talk to the royal family more than they had ever done while living in England.

Despite the harsh topics breached in the 2-hour special, the epic interview culminated in the couple reaffirming their love and affection for the other beyond all criticism. While unsure of whether or not the sacrifices and agony were worth it, Meghan reminded viewers that “I left my career, my life… I left everything because I love him.” On the other hand, Harry explained that although his life could be perceived to be perfect on the outside, it was in fact saved by his marriage to Meghan, “I was trapped but I didn’t know I was trapped.” At the end of the day, it’s clear that Harry and Meghan have their demons to overcome, but the pair vows they are ready to take on whatever obstacles come next, side by side. Markle asserted that “This is… just the beginning for us” and though the past has been bleak for the royal couple, the ending is a happy one that is “greater than any fairytale you’ve ever read.” And Prince Harry and Meghan had found their happily ever after. 

By Christopher Davis

An excerpt from the love letter: Hollywood Insider’s CEO/editor-in-chief Pritan Ambroase affirms, “Hollywood Insider fully supports the much-needed Black Lives Matter movement. We are actively, physically and digitally a part of this global movement. We will continue reporting on this major issue of police brutality and legal murders of Black people to hold the system accountable. We will continue reporting on this major issue with kindness and respect to all Black people, as each and every one of them are seen and heard. Just a reminder, that the Black Lives Matter movement is about more than just police brutality and extends into banking, housing, education, medical, infrastructure, etc. We have the space and time for all your stories. We believe in peaceful/non-violent protests and I would like to request the rest of media to focus on 95% of the protests that are peaceful and working effectively with positive changes happening daily. Media has a responsibility to better the world and Hollywood Insider will continue to do so.”

Ways to support Black Lives Matter Movement to end systemic racism

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  • Christopher Davis

    Christopher Davis is an entertainment enthusiast dedicated to the diverse and ever-expanding terrain of film and television. He is eager to examine entertainment that pushes the boundaries of the screen and offers new texture to popular culture altogether. Christopher is excited to write for Hollywood Insider, where he is encouraged to engage in factual and substance-based discourse. Christopher finds inspiration in media that is compelling to consume, sparks progress and evokes compassion.

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