Golden Globes 2020: In The Times Up Era, No Women Directors or Writers Nominated – What Is The Justification For this? Glass Ceiling or Bullet-Proof Ceiling?
Is the glass ceiling actually a bullet-proof ceiling? It seems unbreakable no matter how talented the female director is....
Is It Still Netflix Versus Oscars? Is The Academy Ready To Accept Netflix Based On Talent And Merit? ‘The Irishman’, ‘Marriage Story’, ‘Uncut Gems’, ‘The Two Popes’, ‘Dolemite Is My Name’
Netflix seems to be dominating the awards conversation with critically-acclaimed directors and talent, but will it be recognized?...
Instagram’s “No-Likes” Policy: Hoping This Social Media Change Will Benefit Society And Our Mental Health
The ever-growing fragility of mental health looms large, how could Instagram’s change in policy improve it? No-likes policy will benefit society....
‘1917’, ‘Midway’, Etc. – Military Representation in Cinema: Hollywood’s Strong Influence in Shaping Society’s View of the Military
With less than 1% of U.S. population in the military, how does Hollywood impact society's view of the military and soldiers?...
Video: What Do Americans REALLY Think About Refugees? Hear From Everyday People And Visitors In USA | Hollywood Insider’s ‘Messages From America’ – Episode 8
Hear from the American people and visitors as they tell us what messages they have for refugees? Get to know the kindness and warmth of civilians in USA....
Baby Yoda: A In-Depth Analysis Of Why Society Is Obsessed With Cute – Disney+ and “Star Wars: The Mandalorian’ Have Struck Gold With This Adorable Creature
Why does “Baby Yoda” make everyone weak in the knees? Is this going to be everyone's new favourite cuddly toy and another super hit for Disney?...
Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle: Both Women Can Be Great Without One Being Torn Down, Stop Pitting The Duchesses Against Each Other
Both women can be great at the same time without one being humiliated, bashed and ridiculed. One being appreciated does not mean other should be destroyed....
The (Hopeful) Future of Telling LGBTQ Stories Progressively
Why Hollywood needs to broaden its view on the LGBTQ stories and tell more via cinema/TV that shed a more positive light beyond pain and comedy....
HO HO HOme Alone: An In-Depth Analysis Of Facts Behind the Christmas Classic ‘Home Alone’
Who actually paid for the family retreat to Paris? What would happen if a family really left a child home alone today? Breaking down burning questions of the holiday classic....
‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ – The Success Of The Franchise & Its Impact On Culture Globally
The release of the ninth film marks the end of the Skywalker saga.Will the final storyline satisfy fans who have followed the franchise through the decades?...
Beauty Standards That Haunt/Ruin Our Lives: Society Needs Self-Love
With social media taking up so much real estate in our minds, how are the beautiful superstars we see damaging our own self-image?...
‘Jojo Rabbit’ Is An Original Satire Which Shows The Negative Effects Of Propaganda, Fanaticism & Hatred
Told through the eyes of an innocent child, Jojo Rabbit touches on important messages and makes sure that stories of this nature unite our world....