Unsung Heroes Series: Bayard Rustin – Black Gay Civil Rights Leader
Bayard Rustin is a gay American hero that deserves to be remembered as he fought for Black Lives Matter movement as well as other demographics through empathy....
COVID-19: No Escape For Audiences Further Traumatized By TV Ads
Coronavirus pandemic is already terrifying enough and TV ads are scaring audiences rather than help provide an escape for people seeking solace in entertainment....
Analyzing Barack & Michelle Obama 2020 Commencement Speech
President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama along with their inspirational brigade deliver a riveting commencement speech for the unique times of 2020....
Pixar’s Latest SparkShort ‘Out’ Includes the Studio’s First Gay Protagonist
Pixar's Out celebrates the love story been gay couple Greg and Manuel making it their first gay protagonist and a huge win for love is love representation....
Live Updates: List of Violent Police Attacks on Journalists Amidst Protests
Police attacks on journalists and members of press only further proves the major issue of police brutality in the USA, freedom of press must be paramount....
Black Lives Matter Demands Complete Police Reform to End Police Brutality
Black Lives Matter demands many reforms, and police reform is one of the most important changes needed to end police brutality for the safety of everyone....
Hollywood Insider’s CEO Pritan Ambroase’s Love Letter to Black Lives Matter
As an ally and long-standing supporter of Black Lives Matter, Pritan Ambroase stands in full solidarity with the personally long-awaited global movement....
Systemic Racism Exists Because Racism IS The System, Black Lives Matter
Systemic racism is the problem that infested society. So the globe speaks up and reverberates with Black Lives Matter to speak up for justice and humanity....
Being Black in USA – “We are laughed at by our own “justice” system”
Author Sera Kuny Sera Kuny respects the art of writing and believes in the power of it. She constantly strives to expand her horizons and advance her thinking. Sera really admires what Hollywood Insider does and how inclusive it is to...
Good Cop Stephen Mader Fired For REFUSING to Shoot A Black Person
A good police officer was punished and terminated from his job for not shooting a black gentleman - that is why the Black Lives Matter movement is needed....
Live Updates: List of Successes From Black Lives Matter Protests!
Please continue the Black Lives Matter protests and movement as it has started making positive changes - here we provide live updates on victories every day....
COVID-19: San Diego Comic-Con 1st Cancellation in 50-Year History
San Diego Comic-Con has been canceled for the first time in 50 years due to coronavirus which has caused organizers to choose health and safety....