Photo: ‘Purple Noon’  The Clock Strikes Noon Again Anybody who has seen a shark – anyone who has really read its eyes – knows that it doesn’t matter that sharks don’t tend to eat humans. The reality is, what’s always been so terrifying about sharks is that behind...
Video Version of this Article Photo: Jean-Paul Belmondo It is admittedly hard to whittle a national film movement into a single performer or familiar face. Often spanning years, if not decades, each arching progression is often far more than the sum of its parts,...
Video Version of this Article Photo: Jean-Luc Godard Among the giants of French Cinema, Jean-Luc Godard is perhaps the most iconic. Be it is dark sunglasses and receding hairline, staunch political stances, professional and personal partnership with Anna Karina, or...
Photo: French Cinema & TV  A look at how French narratives rarely shy away from controversial and difficult topics.  Must Watch French Cinema and TV:   ‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’ A heart-breaking period drama that tackles societal limitations forced on women...
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